Search results for ' Assumption College'

What Kabul means to Beijing

What Kabul means to Beijing

Rediff.com22 Apr 2013

China seems more willing to co-operate with India over Afghanistan, but New Delhi should step carefully, says Harsh V Pant

Indian-American among Intel's brightest youths

Indian-American among Intel's brightest youths

Rediff.com17 Mar 2010

Akhil Mathew, an 18-year-old resident of Madison, New Jersey, on Tuesday night won the third place in the Intel Science Talent Search, America's oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition honouring the next generation of American innovators.

Indian-American stands 3rd in int'l talent search

Indian-American stands 3rd in int'l talent search

Rediff.com17 Mar 2010

Akhil Mathew, an 18-year-old resident of Madison, New Jersey, Tuesday night won the third place in the Intel Science Talent Search

Why I miss the postman

Why I miss the postman

Rediff.com9 Nov 2011

Mahesh Vijapurkar laments the decline of Indian Post.

Your unborn child may be addicted to junk food

Your unborn child may be addicted to junk food

Rediff.com17 Aug 2007

Researchers say it is possible for children in the womb to become addicted to their mothers' junk food intake.

Foreign law schools eyeing India

Foreign law schools eyeing India

Rediff.com20 Dec 2006

Deans from two international law schools -- Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago and Deakin School of Business and Law, Australia -- recently visited India.

38% Internet users in India clock 8.2 hr a week

38% Internet users in India clock 8.2 hr a week

Rediff.com17 Oct 2006

Around 38 per cent of all Internet users in India are 'heavy users' and on an average spend about 8.2 hrs per week on the Internet, according to the, I-Cube 2006 report by the Internet And Mobile Association of India and IMRB International.

Gujarati-Malayali spice bond

Gujarati-Malayali spice bond

Rediff.com27 Feb 2008

Gujaratis and Malyalis share business ties in spices, coir yarn and coconut oil for centuries.

Want to be a crorepati? Here's help

Want to be a crorepati? Here's help

Rediff.com14 Jan 2008

Financial Planner Suresh Sadagopan chalks out a financial plan for Business Standard reader Rahul Lad.

The real threat from nuclear Pakistan

The real threat from nuclear Pakistan

Rediff.com23 Aug 2012

India needs to be aware of the potentially catastrophic implications of the collapse of governing authority in Pakistan. A boost to fundamentalist forces in India's neighbourhood will have some serious consequences for the utility of nuclear deterrence in the subcontinent, says Harsh V Pant.

Obama's inauguration: Mega fest or mega bust?

Obama's inauguration: Mega fest or mega bust?

Rediff.com20 Jan 2009

Boosters say megafests like the inauguration and the Super Bowl mean boom times for host cities. They don't.

How India Inc is creating a skilled labour pool

How India Inc is creating a skilled labour pool

Rediff.com23 Aug 2008

Companies are developing a surrogate education system to create a skilled labour pool.

India today is struggling to define itself

India today is struggling to define itself

Rediff.com22 Jul 2008

The Congress's clumsy political handling of the nuclear deal has laid bare before the world a nation that is desperately trying to search for a foreign policy.

Paytm chief shares tit-bits of his life & alliance with Alibaba

Paytm chief shares tit-bits of his life & alliance with Alibaba

Rediff.com15 Jun 2015

Paytm will cross 100 million wallets ahead of its self-determined deadline of 2015-end. It currently has 66 million.

GRE/ GMAT: Argument Analysis simplified

GRE/ GMAT: Argument Analysis simplified

Rediff.com10 Aug 2005

Taking GRE/ GMAT? Finetune your Analytical Writing Skills with tips on how to tackle the Argument Analysis Essay.

What's wrong with economics and how to fix it

What's wrong with economics and how to fix it

Rediff.com10 May 2010

A New York-based institute seeks to empower new economists to challenge outdated approaches with innovative and ethical economic strategy and Indian policy makers must take note of it, says Rajni Bakshi.

The crisis in economics

The crisis in economics

Rediff.com29 Apr 2010

The free fall of economies could be arrested only after a massive coordinated effort by world leaders from the G-20 nations.

India's isolation is not good news for the West

India's isolation is not good news for the West

Rediff.com23 Feb 2010

Instead of ignoring Delhi, the West would be better served if it ceases to pander to Pakistan for short-term gains. Not supporting the only secular liberal democracy in the region will only embolden the radical Islamists in the long-term, writes Harsh V Pant.

The good samaritans of Hashimpura

The good samaritans of Hashimpura

Rediff.com14 Apr 2015

The families of the Muslim youth from Hashimpura who were shot dead 28 years ago had some committed supporters in their long struggle for justice.

Scary facts about India's skill gap

Scary facts about India's skill gap

Rediff.com29 Nov 2007

India needs to provide vocational training to at least 10 million people in the 15-29 age group every year.

India's foreign policy comes of age

India's foreign policy comes of age

Rediff.com12 Jan 2010

If the decade gone by was one that redefined the contours of global politics in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, it was also a decade that witnessed Indian foreign policy coming into its own, writes Harsh V Pant

Can Chandy do better than Antony?

Can Chandy do better than Antony?

Rediff.com7 Sep 2004

Betting on growth

Betting on growth

Rediff.com7 May 2004

Read: Prez Obama's address to the people of India at Siri Fort

Read: Prez Obama's address to the people of India at Siri Fort

Rediff.com27 Jan 2015

Full transcript of President Obama's speech at the Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi.

'Gujarat's Muslims are terrified of Modi'

'Gujarat's Muslims are terrified of Modi'

Rediff.com12 Nov 2012

With Azadi's Daughter -- The Journey of a Liberal Muslim Woman, Seema Mustafa chronicles her journey from the violence-ridden 1980s when she covered riots in Assam, Punjab and Kashmir. She says the book heavily borrows anecdotes from her personal life, and presents her views on not only her personal journey but also reflects upon the issues that riddle the Indian Muslim.

US varsity scam: 'I have committed no crime!'

US varsity scam: 'I have committed no crime!'

Rediff.com1 Feb 2011

Ritu Jha speaks to some Indian students who have been at the receiving end of the Tri-Valley University scam in the United States.

US unemployment: Worse than it looks

US unemployment: Worse than it looks

Rediff.com18 Dec 2008

The most publicized measure of U.S. unemployment tells only part of the story.

'She slams her window shut when she sees me!'

'She slams her window shut when she sees me!'

Rediff.com18 Sep 2014

In an online chat with Get Ahead readers Love Guru answered their relationship queries.

Retweet this! 20 life lessons from Twitter's co-founder

Retweet this! 20 life lessons from Twitter's co-founder

Rediff.com5 Sep 2014

Co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone tells us what he learned from his enterprising entrepreneurial journey.

'Does an MBA abroad add value to my career?'

'Does an MBA abroad add value to my career?'

Rediff.com7 Sep 2012

In an online chat with readers, Naveenan Ramachandran, expert, 4GMAT addressed queries related to cracking the GMAT, admission at global b-schools and MBA abroad.

When the US fiddles with the rules

When the US fiddles with the rules

Rediff.com27 Aug 2008

'The prime minister and his colleagues thought the Bush administration's promises were as good as gold. But, as the Americans would now have you believe, gold is no better than bronze.'

Dr Singh, lead or leave

Dr Singh, lead or leave

Rediff.com30 Jun 2008

Manmohan Singh is a nice man but India needs an effective prime minister. May be it is time for him to stand down.

Human Life Value simplified

Human Life Value simplified

Rediff.com17 Oct 2007

The most common definition of HLV is the expected life time earnings of an individual, i.e. what is the total income that the individual is expected to earn over the remainder of his working life, expressed in present Rupee terms.

Planning finances in your 20s? Here's how

Planning finances in your 20s? Here's how

Rediff.com2 Oct 2007

Do you know how the young should start planning their finances as soon as they are into their first job? What should they do? How should they plan? Here are a few tips to help the young with their financial planning.

Heightened alert needed on 26/11 anniversary

Heightened alert needed on 26/11 anniversary

Rediff.com6 Nov 2009

While security agencies have been able to prevent any major terror strikes since the Mumbai attacks last November, we should not lower our guard, writes security expert B Raman.

The state of funded education

The state of funded education

Rediff.com17 Jun 2004

What the Saradha scam reveals

What the Saradha scam reveals

Rediff.com4 May 2013

More details will doubtless pour out about Sudipto Sen's rackets as investigations proceed. But one thing is certain. The vast majority of Saradha's victims will only get a pittance from the Rs 5 billion compensation fund set up by the Mamata Banerjee government, to be part financed by an additional levy on cigarettes, of all things. But the investors' stake is estimated at Rs 170 billion, if not more, says Praful Bidwai.

What is Human Life Value?

What is Human Life Value?

Rediff.com25 Jan 2007

The most common definition of HLV is the expected life time earnings of an individual, i.e. what is the total income that the individual is expected to earn over the remainder of his working life, expressed in present Rupee terms.